K5 KRAKEN is the definitive built-for-purpose, high-performance littoral gunship, capable of rapid solo or swarmed force projection in defence of littoral assets, protection of expeditionary battle groups or networked into a ship-to-shore system of systems.

Inspired by the efficacy of the heavily-weaponised, swarm-based, planing powerboats of the WW2 era, the K5 KRAKEN is every inch the spiritual successor to the renowned Motor Torpedo Boat, Motor Gun Boat and PT Boat-type craft. Engineered from the keel up as a fully-integrated weapons platform to exceed anything currently available, the K5 KRAKEN simply delivers more performance, more effective strike capability and more mission-specific customisation. This combination of innovative engineering, diligent naval architecture and technology-enhanced operational capability makes the KRAKEN equally effective in both deterrent and effector roles.


The K5 KRAKEN gunship has been designed, engineered and manufactured to:

  • Provide unparalleled high-speed Maritime Precision Engagement capability. 

  • Enable a shift from larger, more vulnerable vessels to smaller platforms without a drop in capability. 

  • Deliver reconnaissance, strike and protection roles either independently or as part of a wider maritime task group. 

  • Neutralise aerial, surface and sub-surface threats out to 40km range. 

  • Allow an additional 1.5 tonnes of load carriage configurable to the mission type. 

  • Integrate C4I, autonomy and a modular approach to technology growth and innovation. 

  • Provide an operating base for deck-launched UAVs for ISTAR and strike roles.